Improving our Patients Experience

Patient experience and involvement are fundamental components to the provision of high quality care and a continuously evolving culture of patient centred care within the NHS.  Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing high quality care to the individuals, communities and the population that we serve. This aim is clear within our Trust Strategy and is described further within our Quality Strategy in which we have pledged to ‘Put Patients First’ ensuring the patients voice is at the centre of all we do.
The promotion of a positive patient experience is the responsibility of everyone at Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust from our housekeeping & estates staff, clinical teams to our Executive Board. This commitment is supported by the Patient Experience Team together with volunteers and our Governors.
Not only do we work with our patients, their carers and family members but we also work with independent bodies such as Healthwatch and Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire to monitor and make improvements to our services.

How to get involved with our Patient and Family Partner Programme

If you or a loved one have received care at KGH, or you simply want to help us improve the experience of our patients, please consider joining our Patient and Family Partner programme. As someone who has experience of our services or has supported someone to use our services, you have valuable insight that could shape the hospital.
Opportunities for involvement include:
Patient Information Committee - design and review information intended for patients to ensure it is informative, readable and understandable.
Patient Stories - collate and share patient stories for the purpose of learning and training of staff.
Patient and Carer Focus Groups - attend and support events and focus groups designed to collect feedback or co-design solutions on a particular topic.
Collecting Feedback - supporting our patients, families and carers to give their feedback in the best way for them.
Quality Improvement - be part of a project team looking at how to make quality improvement within certain areas. Use your own experience to help inform the direction of the project.
Committee/Group Member - share your patient or family perspectives in a variety of committees and groups that review and plan services throughout the hospital.
Patient and Family Partners are registered KGH volunteers who are actively involved in ensuring the patients voice us heard at all times within the organisation.

For more information on the programme

Please contact the KGH Patient Experience Team by emailing  or by telephone 01536 492173 who will talk you through the details of the programme and will arrange for the KGH Volunteering Team to make contact with you to discuss the next steps required.