Improving our Patients Experience
Patient experience and involvement are fundamental components to the provision of high quality care and a continuously evolving culture of patient centred care within the NHS. Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is committed to providing high quality care to the individuals, communities and the population that we serve. This aim is clear within our Trust Strategy and is described further within our Quality Strategy in which we have pledged to ‘Put Patients First’ ensuring the patients voice is at the centre of all we do.
The promotion of a positive patient experience is the responsibility of everyone at Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust from our housekeeping & estates staff, clinical teams to our Executive Board. This commitment is supported by the Patient Experience Team together with volunteers and our Governors.
Not only do we work with our patients, their carers and family members but we also work with independent bodies such as Healthwatch and Young Healthwatch Northamptonshire to monitor and make improvements to our services.