Our Council of Governors
An essential feature of being an NHS Foundation Trust is that our patients, public and staff are involved in the decision making process through our Council of Governors. A key role of the Council of Governors is to hold the Non-Executive directors, both individually and collectively, to account for the performance of the Board of Directors and to represent the interests of NHS foundation trust members, our staff and of the public.
Our Council of Governors meet four times each year. Find out more about the Council Meetings, which are open to the public.
Membership of the Council of Governors
We currently have 30 Governors on the KGH Council comprising:
- 18 public elected governors representing the six districts (known as constituencies) in which the majority of our patients live: Kettering, Corby, Wellingborough, West Northants and East Northants and the Rest of UK (currently defined as England within the Trust’s Constitution). Each of the six districts is represented by up to four Governors.
- 8 staff elected governors who represent our staff groups.
- 4 stakeholder appointed governors drawn from organisations that represent patient or public interests and academic institutions with whom we have a strong relationship. Our appointed governors come from the following organisations:
Appointed Governors
Northamptonshire Healthwatch
Northamptonshire Age UK
Kettering MIND
North Northamptonshire District Council
West Northamptonshire District Council
Governors serve terms of office of two or three years depending on when they were elected or appointed, and can stand for re-election or re-appointment for a maximum of three terms.