Regulatory & Compliance - Information and Reports
As a NHS Foundation Trust and public body the Trust is required by its regulators to publish a range of materials on its public website.
From this page you can find listed our publicly available materials.
Should you wish to access a document that you believe should be available publicly and cannot find it listed here please contact the Freedom of Information Office in the first instance.
Please note that if the information is not readily available you may be asked to submit a Freedom of Information (FOI) request.
Not all of our information is publicly available. The Trust follows national guidance on Working With Official Information. A small amount of our information is of a particularly sensitive nature. This is information where loss or disclosure would have damaging consequences for the Trust, Government or cause significant distress for an individual or group of people. Examples of sensitive information are:
- The most sensitive corporate information, such as organisational restructuring, negotiations and major security or business continuity issues.
- Policy development and advice to ministers on contentious and very sensitive issues.
- Very sensitive personal information, such as information about vulnerable or at-risk people.
- Commercially or market sensitive information.
- Information about investigations and civil or criminal proceedings that could disrupt law enforcement or prejudice court cases.
Major security and business continuity issues include:
- Planning for national, regional and widespread local situations and events such as pandemic flu or the UK’s EU Exit (Brexit).
- Providing assurance on preparedness to regulators and ministers.