Ward Staffing Levels
Every hospital in England is required to provide staffing data to NHS England on a monthly basis.
What you can see is the percentage of staff hours available against planned staffing hours for each ward at the hospital. This data is for both the number of nurse and healthcare support worker hours.
We work hard to ensure that the planned staffing level for every ward is met. To monitor staffing we use a system called the Safe Staffing Matrix that provides a hospital wide view of staffing levels and helps us to identify where a ward's staffing levels are less than planned. In such instances a Senior Nurse will visit the area and undertake a risk assessment and where necessary use, for example, staff from other areas of the hospital, our staff bank and agency staff to provide additional cover.
The staffing for each day is displayed outside of all wards along with the name of the nurse in charge to whom questions about staffing can be directed.
Data Reports