Our Ellie gets award for her outstanding care | DAISY Award


The Daisy Award is your opportunity to say thank you by sharing your story of how a nurse or midwife made a difference you will never forget.

What is the DAISY Foundation?

An acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System, The DAISY Foundation was formed in America in November 1999, by the family of J. Patrick Barnes who died at age 33 of complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP). The nursing care Patrick received when hospitalized profoundly touched his family. You can find out more about the DAISY Foundation on their website.
Each DAISY Award honoree will be recognised at a ceremony in their ward or department and will receive a DAISY Award pin, certificate and a hand-carved sculpture A Healer’s Touch. Nominate an extraordinary nurse or midwife
The DAISY awards are judged and presented every quarter.

Our Ellie gets award for her outstanding care

Daisy winner

A nurse from Kettering General Hospital has received a DAISY Award for the compassionate and sensitive care she has delivered.

Stoma Nurse, Eleanor “Ellie” Horley, was nominated for her award by a patient, Kelly Brawn, from Corby, for the way she was supported at a difficult time.

The DAISY Awards are an international recognition programme that honours and celebrates the exceptional care that many nurses and midwives provide every day.

In her nomination Kelly said:

Ellie has wiped away my tears, made me laugh, healed my heart with her caring ways. She has come into my life after an emergency stoma was fitted and has taught me new ways to fit my bags, how to heal my skin and how to care for my health. She has been there when I'm mentally and physically exhausted and just cared for my stoma and made me feel like a princess. Thank you is never enough for someone who excels in what she does. So, I would like to nominate Ellie for just simply being the best stoma nurse around.

We are proud of Ellie

Ellie received her award on November 25 from Interim Director of Nursing and Quality, Fiona Barnes, and were also presented with an accompanying pin badge and “Healer’s Touch” sculpture.

Fiona said: “I am delighted and very proud to be able to announce another great DAISY Award winner.

“Ellie clearly provided outstanding care to her patient and made her feel well looked after and valued. Such compassionate care is a key element of what we try and achieve every day and what the Daisy Awards aim to celebrate.

“Once again I want to thank everyone who takes the time and trouble to nominate our staff members for these awards.

“They enable families to thank the individuals who have touched their lives, often at a time of great vulnerability. Please keep the nominations coming.”

Since the scheme was launched at Kettering General Hospital in 2020 some 259 patients, family members, and carers, have nominated nurses and midwives for the award and 22 have received it.

To make a nomination go to: https://kghnhs.verseonecloud.com/the-daisy-award/

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