KGH nurse and midwife receive awards for their outstanding leadership | Celebrating our colleagues and volunteers

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KGH nurse and midwife receive awards for their outstanding leadership

MR1449 DAISY Leader Award Group Picture October 23.jpg
A nurse and a midwife from Kettering General Hospital have received DAISY Nurse Leader Awards for their outstanding leadership and support for their colleagues.
Lead Practice Development Nurse, Hayley Burns, and Continuity of Care Lead Midwife, Mary Grey, have received the internationally recognised awards after being nominated a total of five times by their colleagues – Hayley was nominated twice and Mary three times.
Hayley was nominated for the way she introduced Professional Nurse Advocates (PNA) at KGH – a programme introduced to support staff facing difficult professional challenges and help with their development. She was also nominated for her significant support for international nurses joining the hospital.
Mary was nominated for her inspiring leadership which has helped establish continuity of care teams across the north of the county– where hundreds of women have had the chance to regularly see their named midwife in the community –and for the amazing way she supports her colleagues.
Hayley’s nominations included the words: “She has worked hard to engage and encourage staff to apply for Professional Nurse Advocate training in order to increase the number of PNA's in the trust that in turn will help with staff wellbeing and retention. Those who know Hayley will agree that she will always go above and beyond to help others and is compassionate and caring at all times.
Lead Practice Development Nurse, Hayley Burns, receives her award from KGH’s Chief Nursing Officer, Jayne Skippen
“She is supportive of continued professional development and motivates her team (and others) to pursue their dreams and ambitions and will offer support, guidance and time to assist with this, (even if this means that someone will eventually leave the team to advance their career!). I can honestly say that in 18 years of nursing I have never had such a kind, caring, compassionate and dedicated line manager.
“She is positive, inspiring and incredibly supportive to all those around her, whilst managing to be approachable and focused. Hayley truly is an inspirational nurse leader. She has supported hundreds of international nurses to achieve RN status through training managed through her team.”
Mary’s nominations included the words:  “Mary is everything and more of what a leader should be. She is a role model that many midwives look up to. She continues to create inspiring visions of the future in her team especially by proactively setting up and leading the continuity of care teams to provide better care for women and their families, especially for BAME and vulnerable women.
Continuity of Care Lead Midwife, Mary Grey, receives her award from KGH’s Chief Nursing Officer, Jayne SkippenMary's passion inspires the team to engage in that vision and, over the last few years, she has become successful in helping provide continuity in the community and hospital setting for hundreds of women.
“She shows such passion in all that she does. She is a great leader, a good advocate for all that is midwifery, yet above everything she supports every member of staff. She will make herself available to listen to any worries or concerns you may have at the same time as supporting all the teams and having her own case load of ladies. Nothing ever seems too much.”
Hayley and Mary received their awards on Thursday, October 26, from Chief Nursing Officer Jayne Skippen accompanied by other senior nurses. They also received a DAISY pin badge and “Nurse Leader” sculpture.
Jayne said: “I am incredibly proud of Hayley and Mary for the way they have supported and led their teams, and individual staff, and for developing a supportive environment which allows individuals to flourish and shine.
“Both of them, in their different ways, have helped us to inspire and strengthen our nursing and midwifery teams. They thoroughly deserve their international DAISY Nurse Leader Awards as a recognition of that.”
To nominate someone for a DAISY Award go to:

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