KGH Lead Chaplain receives Bishop's license | Celebrating our colleagues and volunteers

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KGH Lead Chaplain receives Bishop's license

The lead chaplain at Kettering General Hospital was officially licensed on November 10 by the acting Bishop of Peterborough.

The Rev Mike Corcoran, who runs KGH’s eight-strong multi-faith chaplaincy, and 26-strong team of spiritual and pastoral care volunteers, was given his Church of England license by the Rt Revd John Holbrook.

The license allows him to officiate at services and ceremonies in hospital including weddings, funerals, and christenings.

The Rev Corcoran, who has been lead chaplain at KGH for the last six months, received the designation at a service in the hospital’s chapel attended by his team and other hospital staff, including Medical Director John Jameson.

The Rev Corcoran said: “As a lead hospital chaplain I essentially have two employers, the NHS, and also the Church of England, where I have been an ordained minister since 2014.

“Part of the official process to ratify my position as lead hospital chaplain is being licensed by the Bishop of Peterborough.

“In hospital our team supports patients of all faiths, and those with none, during their time in hospital.

“We also, which is often forgotten, support hospital staff and this is something I will be working to remind the hospital team of.

“For me it is a privilege to lead a relatively small team that has a big impact and I want our team to grow and flourish providing spiritual, pastoral, and religious support to people of all backgrounds.

“If we cannot meet any specific religious or spiritual need we have many contacts in the local community who we can call on for more support.”

Chief Executive Deborah Needham said: “Mike and his team do an enormous amount of good work providing spiritual and moral support for patients, their families, and our own staff.

“Hospital is a place where people face many challenges that affect them in lots of different ways.  I am very proud of the way our hard working chaplains and volunteers provide that support and I want to congratulate Mike on becoming our official licenced Lead Chaplain.”

During the service the Rev Corcoran was presented to the Bishop by Sarah Parry, Macmillan Transformation Lead Nurse for End-of-Life Care.

He then made his declaration of assent and took various oaths which were followed by a bible reading, prayer and blessing.

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