As a consequence of COVID we have needed to implement some changes to the way we are working, and how we provide your care to you, in order to keep you, other families and our staff as safe as possible. Please be assured that the safety of you and your baby is of paramount importance to us, and therefore all changes have been made after reviewing the best and most recent guidance from Public Health England and the
Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists.
All members of the maternity services team within the community and the hospital are keeping their knowledge regarding guidance for pregnancy care very current, so if you have any questions about your care, please discuss them with your midwife or obstetrician.
It remains really important that if you have any concerns during your pregnancy (such as stomach pains, bleeding, reduced/changed movements) you don’t hesitate in contacting our Delivery Suite. You should also contact the Delivery Suite if you feel your labour has started. The midwives will be able to guide you as to when to come into hospital.
We understand that you may be worried about the impact of coronavirus on your pregnancy and your access to healthcare and have therefore provided information videos relating to aspects of your pregnancy and birth to enhance the information verbally provided to you by the midwifery team.