Antenatal and Newborn Screening Department

Important Information: The use of face coverings and gloves when coming to into hospital

People infected with COVID-19 can have very mild or no respiratory symptoms (asymptomatic) and can transmit the virus to others without being aware of it.
Following recommendations from the World Health organisation, and in line with UK government guidance, on Monday 15 June 2020 new measures were introduced at KGH to keep visitors, patients and staff safe; the need to wear a face covering at all times inside our hospital. To find out more.  
On Monday 19th July 2021, some restrictions changed in England however the hospital still requires visitors and staff to wear face coverings. 

Please remove your gloves - Good hand hygiene is one of the keys to defeating Coronavirus

  • If you are wearing gloves when attending our clinics you will be asked to remove them
  • We will ask that you wash your hands with soap or sanitiser
  • You may sanitise your hands and reapply your gloves before you leave
During your pregnancy you will be offered antenatal screening tests and scans. You will also be offered screening tests for your baby when it is born. Information is available regarding screening tests for you and your baby; this booklet is available in different languages.
The Antenatal and Newborn Screening department is staffed by midwives, support workers and specialist doctors who work to ensure that all pregnant women are offered all of the recommended screening tests within the correct time frame. Most screening tests results will not find any problems but occasionally there can be a result that requires further testing, scans, investigation or specialist input. The staff will work together with a wide range of experts who provide as much information as possible to inform and to support you at this time.

Our Clinics

  • The Antenatal and Newborn Screening office is open from 07:30 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. 
  • Fetal Medicine Clinics run Monday to Thursday mornings with either KGH consultants or specialist consultants from Leicester NHS Trust.

Our Team

Consultant Obstetricians and Specialists in Fetal Medicine
Dr Rukhsana Iqbal - Kettering General NHS Trust
Dr Hatem Mousa - Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Eamonn Breslin - Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Manjiri Khare - Leicester NHS Trust
Dr Farah Siddiqui - Leicester NHS Trust

Midwife Specialist/s

Rhonda Hales - Antenatal and Newborn Screening Co-ordinator
Yvonne McMahon - Screening Midwife
Lisa Drummond - Screening Midwife
Nina Basson - Screening Midwife
Chloe Tracey - Associate Practitioner
Angela Wortley - Screening and Failsafe Administrator
Kate Pratt - Screening and Failsafe Administrator

Our Services

  • Antenatal screening
  • Fetal medicine scans
  • Newborn screening:
  • Newborn infant physical examination. 
  • Blood Spot
  • Hearing Screen
  • Immunisation; Influenza (flu) Whooping cough

Patient Information Leaflets

Useful Links