Important Information: The use of face coverings and gloves when coming to into hospital
Please remove your gloves - Good hand hygiene is one of the keys to defeating Coronavirus
If you are wearing gloves when attending our clinics you will be asked to remove them
We will ask that you wash your hands with soap or sanitiser
You may sanitise your hands and reapply your gloves before you leave
Antenatal visit schedule
6-8 weeks - Face to Face booking appointment with your midwife. A full medical and obstetric history will be taken along with height, weight and BMI, urine screening and blood tests for antenatal screening purposes.
10-12 weeks - First scan at Rockingham wing
16 weeks - This will be a pre-arranged telephone call to offer advice and discuss the results from your booking appointment
24 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
28 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment / Growth scan if indicated
32 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment / Growth scan if indicated
34 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
36 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment / Growth scan if indicated
38 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
39 weeks - Growth scan if indicated
40 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
41 weeks - Face to face appointment with physical assessment
In addition to those above, you may have additional appointments with certain specialities based on your individual circumstances
Antenatal Physiotherapy
Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP)
If you are experiencing on-going difficulties due to PGP which you are unable to manage with the self-help information provided, please see your GP for further assessment, referral to physiotherapy services may be appropriate.