
The cardiology strategy has been developed by our clinical teams and describes a five year journey to create a cardiology centre of excellence for Northamptonshire. 
It has been approved by the Board and endorsed by the National GIRFT lead for cardiology.  
Fundamental to the strategy is:  Cardiology Team
  • Safer service for Acute Coronary Syndrome and pacemaker patients 
  • Faster assessment of patients with chest pain which avoids ED and reduces ambulance delays 
  • Increases the range of seven day cardiology service to help patients return home sooner 
  • Moves care closer to home for patients with heart failure by working in partnership with the community 
  • Delivers less invasive (safer) procedures by investing in the latest diagnostic techniques 
  • Improves staff work life balance though shared on call across the Group 
  • Grow our own cardiology scientists in partnership with the University of Northamptonshire 
We are now working with GPs, community nurse and ambulance teams to develop better care for our patients in line with our strategy. If you would like more information about our strategy or share your ideas on how we could improve, please email