Interested? Find out more about getting involved by completing our online form or email or calling 01536 493109.
At Kettering General and Northampton General Hospitals we want to create a pool of patients and carers across both hospitals that would be willing to work with our departments and offer their opinions on our services.
The Patient Engagement Panel is a group of local people who volunteer their time, experience and skills to work in partnership with our hospitals. You will be the voice for our patients and their needs.
This will be a safe space for patients and carers to share their experiences of services where personal information shared by yourself, and others, will be treated with respect and confidentiality. The help you offer might cover several areas, including
Equality and diversity initiatives
Reviewing and approving patient information
Co-designing services
Involvement in transformation work
Being a voice in service strategy development
Patient discharge
Patient Safety Committee
…and much more.