Deene C Ward
Deene C Ward has 20 beds which are managed by the general medicine team. We have four bays and three siderooms. The ward looks after male and female patients with a wide range of conditions and we work hard to get patients medically fit and discharged home.
Our Team
We have a locum consultant on the ward who works alongside two junior doctors to care for the patients. We also have our nursing staff, assistant practitioners, healthcare assistants and therapy team, who all work as part of a multidisciplinary team to get patients medically fit and discharged from hospital.
Information for Patients
We hope that your hospital stay is as pleasant as it can be.
If you have any issues during your stay, please raise them with the ward staff or the ward manger and we will try our best to rectify them as soon as possible.
Upon discharge, we kindly ask that you fill out a patient questionnaire, informing us of things we have done well and what we can do to improve – if one isn’t already provided, please ask your nurse for one and hand it back to us when you’ve filled it out.
Information for Visitors
We encourage our patients to wear their own clothes in hospital, so it’s a big help if friends and relatives are able to take dirty washing home and bring fresh clothes in, this helps our patients to feel more comfortable during their stay.