Sustainable ways to travel Kettering General Hospital
1. Walk
2. Cycle
3. Cycle Storage
4. Scooters
5. Bus
6. Street Safe
If you find a particular area makes you nervous to walk in, eg bad streetlights, report it to:
Street harassment is not ok. Flare Report app allows you to quickly and anonymously make a report about inappropriate behaviour on the street.
7. Street Faults
Nearly tripped on a wobbly pavement? Spotted a dangerous pothole or an overgrown bush that could hinder your cycling? Report the issue to to make it safer for all.
8. Keep informed
Keep an eye on the KGH website for details of active travel related events. For current or wannabe cyclists to KGH join the facebook group For local active travel events follow
Share your ideas - If you have more ideas or any queries on how to make it easier and safer for more people to walk, cycle, wheel, bus or scoot to KGH please email: