Spiritual and Pastoral Care (Chaplaincy) Service

The Spiritual & Pastoral Care Service (sometimes known as Chaplaincy) seeks to nurture and promote wellbeing, wholeness and recovery through spiritual, pastoral and religious conversations about of hope, meaning and purpose.
The Chaplains are here to be a listening ear and a helping hand for you, your family and friends during your stay in hospital. Chaplains are members of hospital staff trained to provide religious, spiritual and pastoral care to all our patients, visitors and staff. 
The Chaplains regularly visit the wards and are always happy to see patients or visitors.  They are available to listen and provide practical help and support. Outside of normal working hours we provide a 24/7 on-call service.  If you ask the nursing staff they can always contact us.  

Working alongside the Chaplains are Chaplaincy Volunteers who visit the wards during the week and  on Sundays . Our service is also supported by Roman Catholic Priests and Volunteers from St Edward’s Church in Kettering and neighbouring churches.

We also have a Multi-Faith Advisory Group, comprised of local people from different faiths and beliefs  (including Bahá’í, Buddhist, Hindu, SiKh, Jewish, Muslim and Humanist) who are able to visit in the hospital and minister as requested.
The Multi-Faith Chapel, near to the Main Reception, is always open and provides a quiet retreat in the midst of a busy hospital. It is a place for prayer and quiet reflection for people of all faiths and beliefs. A Multi-Faith Prayer Room (with washing facilities alongside), is also available in the main hospital behind the Treatment Centre.

If you would like a Chaplain or a member of the Multi-Faith group to visit, please call us on: 01536 492609, or email kgh-tr.chaplaincy@nhs.net or ask a member of staff to contact us on your behalf.