
Will you stand for election as a Public Governor at KGH?

Kettering General Hospital is calling for local residents to have their say in the future of our hospital by standing for election as a Public Governor. 

Anyone from across Northamptonshire (Kettering, East Northants, West Northants, Corby, Wellingborough areas) can stand for election to become a Public Governor in their local area if they are over 16.

We want to attract candidates from all ethnicities, faiths, genders, ages, disabilities, and community groups, to ensure our local areas are well represented.

Corby Public Governor Jayne Smith, said, “Being a hospital Governor is a way of giving something back to your hospital.

“You won’t change the world but you can make a significant difference to KGH patients and the way services are developed and delivered.

“I feel the monthly meetings (plus a bit more if you wish) is time really well spent.”

The seats available

There are currently 18 seats available on our Council of Governors.

11 Public Governor seats: one in Corby, two in Wellingborough, three in Kettering, four in East Northants, one in West Northants and seven staff-only seats.

A key role of the Council of Governors is to hold the Non-Executive Directors, both individually and collectively, to account for the performance of the Board of Directors and to represent patients and staff.

No experience or skills are necessary and training and support is provided, including a laptop/iPad for NHS business only, along with reasonable expenses.

Governors must be able to commit to attend quarterly Council of Governor meetings with the opportunity to observe other key committees or meetings on a range of issues, depending on the time someone has available to contribute.

More information on becoming a governor and membership of KGH here.

For more information on standing for nomination, contact KGH’s Governor and member lead, at, or phone Sue Broome, 0777 3658937.

You must make your application to stand as a Governor by 5pm on September 26.

Election voting opens on the 14 August, with successful candidates announced the 10 November.

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