People with a weakened immune system at serious risk from flu
Do you have a weakened immune system which makes you eligible for a free flu jab, but have not yet taken up the offer? Get yours today to protect yourself from flu.
Those who have long-term health conditions or a weakened immune system are at a higher risk of catching flu and the life-threatening complications that can come with it which can frequently lead to hospitalisation. These complications include pneumonia, septic shock, heart, brain or muscle tissue inflammation, or organ failure, such as lung or kidney failure.
Flu is a highly contagious disease that can easily spread amongst people, especially those living in the same house and who provide care to others. Flu symptoms can include a high temperature, headache, aching body, and a sore throat. If you think you are suffering from flu symptoms, please look after yourself by taking paracetamol, rest when you can, sleep and keep warm and drink plenty of water. Catching flu can lead to a serious complication such as worsening of health conditions, pneumonia and can be fatal.
That’s why, Public Health at both West and North Northamptonshire Councils and NHS Northamptonshire are also encouraging carers to take up their free flu vaccine if they have not done so already to reduce the likelihood of contracting or transmitting illnesses such as flu to help protect yourself and those you care for.
The flu vaccination is free to carers, those with a weakened immune system and people living in the same household as someone who is immunosuppressed. The vaccination does not take long to receive and can be arranged through your local GP practice or a participating pharmacy.
Dr Annapurna Sen, Consultant in Health Protection for West Northamptonshire Council says:
“It is important if you are a carer or live with someone who is immunosuppressed that you look after yourself and them by getting vaccinated for flu. Staying well this winter is vital to avoid infecting your household or the person you are caring for with flu.
“There are still just under 50% of eligible people across West Northamptonshire who have not yet taken up the offer of their free flu vaccination this winter. I urge you to get vaccinated to protect yourself and those around you to stay safe this winter”
Asmat Nisa, Public Health Consultant in Health Protection for North Northamptonshire says:
“If you care for an older or disabled person, or someone with a weakened immune system then you becoming ill would put them at risk, either because you could potentially pass the virus on, or couldn’t care for them as you currently do, it’s vital that you get your flu vaccination as soon as possible. You are eligible for the flu vaccine if you get carers allowance or are the main carer providing unpaid care for a close friend, neighbour or family member. This applies even if you do not live at the same address.
“It’s especially important to get vaccinated sooner rather than later. You may be mixing more indoors over the festive period, which will allow viruses to spread more easily. If you haven’t yet had a COVID-19 vaccination then you are eligible for this too. You can get a COVID-19 vaccine by walking-in to selected pharmacies up until 31 January.
“Don’t put off getting vaccinated. The injected flu vaccines used in the UK do not contain live flu viruses. They cannot give you flu.”
The flu vaccine is free to individuals that are at risk, including those with: • Chronic respiratory conditions, such as asthma, COPD, bronchitis, or emphysema
• Chronic heart disease and vascular disease such as Congenital heart disease, hypertension with cardiac complications
• Diabetes and adrenal insufficiency
• Chronic kidney disease
• Chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis
• Some neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, MND, MS, cerebral palsy and those who have had a stroke
• Immunosuppression e.g. Due to disease or treatment, including patients undergoing chemotherapy
• Spleen problems like sickle cell disease (or if you have had your spleen removed) • Those who have a BMI of 40 and above
• Weakened immune system due to conditions such as HIV, AIDS, or those who are taking medication such are steroid tablets or undergoing cancer treatment.
If you have not had an invite from your GP practice and are in one of these groups – or you are a carer – call your surgery or visit the NHS website to find your nearest local pharmacy offering the flu jab today. For more information about getting a COVID-19 vaccination visit the walk-in finder on the NHS website.
The Northamptonshire mobile vaccination service is also available for COVID-19 and flu vaccine drop-ins, visiting various locations around the county. You can view locations for this service on the Integrated Care Northamptonshire website.