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KGH is 125 years old

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Kettering General Hospital celebrated its 125th birthday, on Sunday, October 30, 2022.
Since 1897 we have supported the healthcare needs of literally countless thousands of local people from the cradle to the grave.
Read KGH is 125 years old…

Boost for research will benefit patients and staff at KGH and NGH

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Patients and staff at Kettering and Northampton general hospitals are set to benefit from a major research funding announcement.

The University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group – which runs KGH and NGH – is now a formal partner in the National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC).

On October 14 it was announced that the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre will receive £26m to spend on research over the next five-year funding cycle (2022-2027).

Read Boost for research will benefit patients and staff at KGH and NGH…

KGH Managing Breast Pain Event

As part of the series of free Your Health Matters events run by Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KGH) Governors to help demystify common health conditions and provide practical tips, the next event coincides with national Breast Awareness month.
Read KGH Managing Breast Pain Event…

KGH gets top marks for joint replacement monitoring work

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Kettering General Hospital has achieved a nationally recognised – and difficult to achieve - quality standard for the way it collects information about joint replacement surgery.

It has been awarded – for the second year running - the National Joint Registry (NJR) Quality Data Provider Award certificate for the scrupulous way in which it gathers and submits information to support a national safety system for joint replacements.

The NJR is a national body which collects data from all NHS and private providers in the country who fit hip, knee, ankle, elbow or shoulder joint replacement joints.


Read KGH gets top marks for joint replacement monitoring work…
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