KGH gets go ahead to prepare for rebuild

A nurse from Kettering General Hospital has received a DAISY Award for the compassionate and sensitive care she has delivered.
Read Our Ellie gets award for her outstanding care…
A nurse and a midwife from Kettering General Hospital have received DAISY Awards for the outstanding, compassionate, and sensitive care they have delivered.
Read DAISY Awards for outstanding care…Kettering and Northampton general hospitals are having their first joint annual meeting since they became a University Hospital NHS Group last year.
The event is being held online on Thursday, November 3, from 10am-12 noon via a Microsoft Meetup on this link Join the Annual Members Meeting and General Meeting
Read KGH and NGH first joint AGM…A newly registered children’s nurse at Kettering General Hospital is part of a team that has received a national award for supporting student and newly qualified paediatric nurses.
Read Our Emma helps support students and children’s nurses…Patients and staff at Kettering and Northampton general hospitals are set to benefit from a major research funding announcement.
The University Hospitals of Northamptonshire NHS Group – which runs KGH and NGH – is now a formal partner in the National Institute for Health and Social Care Research (NIHR) Leicester Biomedical Research Centre (BRC).
On October 14 it was announced that the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre will receive £26m to spend on research over the next five-year funding cycle (2022-2027).
Read Boost for research will benefit patients and staff at KGH and NGH…Kettering General Hospital has achieved a nationally recognised – and difficult to achieve - quality standard for the way it collects information about joint replacement surgery.
It has been awarded – for the second year running - the National Joint Registry (NJR) Quality Data Provider Award certificate for the scrupulous way in which it gathers and submits information to support a national safety system for joint replacements.
The NJR is a national body which collects data from all NHS and private providers in the country who fit hip, knee, ankle, elbow or shoulder joint replacement joints.
Read KGH gets top marks for joint replacement monitoring work…