County hospital patients supported 24 organ donations last year

Nine county hospital patients who donated their organs after death have helped to save or transform 24 lives following transplant surgeries.
Kettering and Northampton general hospitals have released the figures to highlight the importance of donation and suggest all adults make their wishes known to their families on their view on donation.
Six Northampton General Hospital patients supported 17 organ donations during the calendar year 2022. And at Kettering General Hospital three patients supported seven donations.
Kettering General Hospital’s Specialist Nurse, Organ Donation, Christine Medley, “While England now has an opt out system for organ donation it is still very important to make your organ donation wishes known to your family.
“Letting your family know what you want to happen when you die will make it much easier if there comes a time when organ donation is a possibility.
“Families are still asked by medical professionals to agree to your donation wishes. If you register your decision and let your family know it makes things clearer and helps to ensure your wishes are carried out.”
Northampton General Hospital’s Specialist Nurse, Organ Donation, Hayley Timms, said: “People who received transplants during 2022 will now be celebrating a much brighter New Year in 2023.
“Organ donation is the ultimate gift. If you want to be an organ donor after you die, it’s really important that you talk to your loved ones and make sure they understand and support your decision. Leave them certain of your wishes.
“Nationally Black, Asian and minority ethnic patients often also have to wait significantly longer for a successful match than white patients, due to a shortage of suitably matched donors.
“So if you are from one of these groups making it clear to your family that you would like to be an organ donor in the event of your untimely death is even more important.”
Find out more and register your decision by visiting NHS Organ Donor Register at and share your decision with your family.