
Memorial service for ICU patients and their families

Staff in ICU are putting on the memorial event

A Memorial Service is being held by Kettering General Hospital for those who have lost loved ones after being cared for on the Intensive Care Unit.

 The service is being held on Sunday, May 19, at the Corn Market Hall in London Road, Kettering, from 2pm-4pm, and is to remember those patients who have died over the last two years.

 It is an opportunity for families to receive continued support from the unit, to remember loved ones, and to give thanks for the dedication of ICU staff for their 24/7 care – particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic.

 KGH Lead Chaplain The Rev Mike Corcoran said: “This will be an important occasion to remember and celebrate the lives of lost loved ones who were cared for on our intensive care unit.

 “It is the second memorial event we have arranged and we aim to hold them every two years. The first was in 2019 but we haven’t had one since then because of the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic.

 “So, for many families, this will be an opportunity to remember their loved ones and reflect on their memories.”

 The service is a non-religious one and will be made up of poems and songs performed by the KGH Staff Choir led by Beccy Hurrell.

 The event is by invitation only and invites have been sent to more than 100 families. Any family who has not responded but wants to attend should email:

 KGH staff involved in organising the event were ICU Sister Angela Waterhouse and Deputy Sister Chloe Mathew.

 Angela said: “This is a way in which families can remember their loved ones, reflect on what happened and come together with those that supported them during such a difficult time.'

 “It will also enable families to reconnect with the ICU team once again.”

 The event has been sponsored by both the Northamptonshire Health Charity and Bosworth’s Garden Centre.

 Each family attending will receive forget-me-not seeds, a heart ornament, and a candle to light at the event in memory of their loved one.

 Other representatives at the event will include the Kettering General Hospital Organ and Tissue Donation Committee.

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