Dying Matters: Let’s talk about it!’ a chance to speak to end-of-life experts at KGH

A chance to learn more about death and dying with end-of-life experts from Kettering General Hospital is available at a public online event.
The free online event is on Tuesday, July 18, from 2pm-3pm, and is one of a series of events – open to all in the county – which has been arranged by KGH Public Governors.
The event itself is called Dying Matters – ‘Let’s talk about it’ is part of the series called Your Health Matters that aims to help demystify common health conditions and difficult subjects whilst providing practical support.
The speakers will be Sarah Parry, Transformation Lead Nurse for Palliative & End of Life Care, and Dr Fiona Wiseman, Palliative Medicine Consultant.
Sarah said: ‘We recognise that talking about death and dying is never easy. However, being able to talk gives us all the opportunity to share any worries, fears or wishes that we have. “
Fiona added: ‘We are looking forward to having a discussion and exploring ways with event attendees about how we can empower the people of Northamptonshire, especially when they come into the hospital, so they feel more prepared and comfortable in approaching this important area of life.
“As Dr Kathryn Mannix Palliative Care Physician said: ‘Talking about death won’t make it happen. But not talking about it robs us of choices and moments that will not come again’.”
The event will be introduced by KGH Staff Governor, Jayne Chambers, and everyone is welcome. This is your opportunity to talk about what is often considered a taboo subject, and help you find the words to have an important conversation about wishes, what happens to make people comfortable and much more.
To take part email KGH’s governor and member lead, sue.broome@nhs.net. People can submit a specific question beforehand and some questions will also be taken at the event depending on time.