Check-out your skin blemish concerns at three-day KGH event

A three-day skin surveillance event is being held by Kettering General Hospital to help identify problems like skin cancer as early as possible.
The event is being held close to the hospital’s dermatology unit on the second floor of the Prospect House Medical Centre in Lower Street, Kettering.
It is on Wednesday May 3, Thursday, May 4, and Friday, May 5, from 9am-11am.
People will be able to have a mole or skin lesion checked by specialist doctors and nurses without an appointment on a ticketed, first come, first serve basis.
Prior to the pandemic the event was held every year at the hospital and often more than 300 people took advantage of it.
Dr Olivia Stevenson, who is the Trust’s skin cancer lead, said: “Over the last ten years half a dozen melanomas and dozens of non-melanoma skin cancers and pre-cancers have been picked up and subsequently treated following our events.
“Previous attendees have found the event very worthwhile and many often have any concerns they may have put to rest.
“Mole cancer (melanoma) is the most publicised and most dangerous kind of skin cancer however we also need to be able to treat the less serious skin cancers promptly to ensure a good outcome and reduce the need for surgery.”
Dr Stevenson said she personally sees some 20-30 new skin cancers each week at the hospital. She said: “Anyone who has a mole or lesion which is changing rapidly on the skin or behaving differently from other moles, for example changing colour, weeping, bleeding or growing faster, should go to their GP for advice.
“Sometimes people, particularly men, can ignore these sorts of changes when they really should have them checked out by their GP straight away as if caught early many skin cancers can be completely cured.”
At the special KGH event patients will be able to take home information and advice as necessary along with simple safe sun and skin cancer prevention advice from the Trust’s specialist nurses.
Please be aware you should not attend with concerns unrelated to skin cancer or if you already have an appointment with the team within the next six weeks.