Northants Cancer Services - Emotional Concerns

If you have completed a holistic needs assesment with your cancer nurse specialist you may be familiar with the concerns checklist. If you have any non urgent queries or concerns regarding emotional concerns, simply go on to the link and you will be redirected to the relevant service or information source. If you have any urgent concerns please contact your cancer nurse specialist in the first instance.

Campaign against living miserably (CALM)

The Campaign Against Living Miserably. Online and telephone advice, support and help for men. Our helpline is for men in the UK who are down or have hit a wall for any reason, who need to talk or find information and support. We're open 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year.
Telephone: 0800 585858

Challenging Cancer Odyssey

Using the stimulation of surprise and the outdoors, Odyssey takes people on a 5 day residential journey aimed at combating the psychological and emotional devastation caused by their illness.
Odyssey seeks out wild and peaceful places that are steeped in atmosphere, striving to give participants a rich and varied experience, with the chance to try activities they may never have tried before. Programmes are tailored so everyone can participate to a level with which they’re comfortable. Our aim is to challenge but not overwhelm.
The course is an adventure, and as with all true adventures those embarking on it do so with only a limited idea of what lies ahead.

Because of the high demand for places, patients must be referred onto a programme by a health professional involved in their care and registered with the charity. Odyssey Referrers can be found in hospitals, practices and or hospices throughout the U.K.
Telephone: 0345 363 2207


Home- start is a local community network of trained volunteers and expert support, helping families with young children through their challenging times. They are there for parents when they need them the most.
Families struggling with Post-natal depression, Isolation, Physical problems, Bereavement and many other issues, receive the support of a volunteer who will spend around two hours a week in a families home supporting them in ways they need. 
Telephone: 0116 464 5490

Macmillan Cancer Support

Are you worried about money or work issues? Do you have questions about treatment or just want someone to talk to? Our team of specialist advisers are here to help.
Telephone: 0808 808 00 00


We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Our team provides information on a range of topics including:
  • Types of mental health problems
  • Where to get help
  • Medication and alternative treatments
  • Advocacy
We will look for details of help and support in your own area.
Our lines are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays)
Telephone: 0300 123 3393
Text: 86463

Penny Brohn

We recognise that all parts of ourselves – mind, body, spirit and emotions – are all closely connected and work together to support our immune system and its ability to keep us well.
Our Approach provides a powerful combination of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual support that is designed to help anyone affected by cancer, at any stage of the disease.
Through courses, groups and individual sessions you can learn how to eat well and stay active, manage your emotions and relationships, and reconnect with the things in life that you love – all of which are linked to health.
This Approach has inspired thousands to play an active role in their health and wellbeing, bringing them a renewed sense of hope and control.
Telephone: 0303 3000 118 

Rethink Mental Illness

We improve the lives of people severely affected by mental illness through our network of local groups and services, expert information and successful campaigning. Our goal is to make sure everyone affected by severe mental illness has a good quality of life.
Telephone: 0300 5000 927 


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call us, e-mail, write a letter or visit us face-to-face in one of your local branches.
Telephone: 116 123