Dermatology Department - Jubilee Wing
The Dermatology Department is composed of three Consultants; three GP’s with special interest; one Registrar and a team of dedicated Specialist Nurses, Healthcare Assistants and Admin staff.
The service sees patients in an outpatients setting in the Jubilee Wing at Prospect House, having been referred via GP e-referrals and from Consultant to Consultant referrals.
The department does not offer routine ward referral visits - urgent ward visits can be arranged if required and appropriate. Our staff are on hand to offer advice and guidance.
The aims of Jubilee Wing are to deliver a high quality, evidence based, patient centred model of care for patients presenting with dermatological conditions. This service will ensure that all individuals are treated with dignity and respect within the clinical setting. Patients will have access to appropriate medical and nursing expertise and support from Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s) to allow effective care planning that facilitates self-care with chronic and acute conditions.