Deene B Ward

Deene B is a  24 bedded Acute Surgical ward. There are 3 bays with 6 beds and a 4th bay with 5 beds and a shower room. The ward has only one side room. 
Deene B takes emergency patients requiring a stay of 72 hours or longer and those patients who have had major elective surgery.  
Deene B actively participates in the enhanced recovery programme for colo-rectal surgery. The ward also accommodates those patients being discharged from the Intensive Care Unit.
Deene B has patients under the care of all surgical and urology consultants. It also has patients under the care of ear, nose and throat (ENT) consultants. Many specialist nurses visit our ward including, acute pain nurses and stoma nurses.
In addition, it occasionally accommodate medical and orthopaedic patients.

What to bring with you?

If you are attending for a planned procedure please bring with you a supply of day and night wear including slippers.  We try to encourage our patients to spend time out of bed during the day wearing day clothes where possible and safe to do so.  
Please also bring a supply of toiletries – although a small selection is available from the hospital shop.
Please do not bring valuables and large amounts of money into hospital with you as the trust cannot accept responsibility if these personal items get lost or damaged.