Chronic Pain Management Service

Images of the Pain Clinic department
Our Consultants consider chronic pain is that has lasted for at least three months, often our patients have experienced it for much longer.  Along with aiming to reduce a patients pain we consider the patient as a whole and aim through a holistic approach to address all the issues our patient may experience in their daily lives. The ethos of the service is to assist in reducing our patients' pain to a level that allows them to maintain their activities of living, rather than the diagnosis for the pain.

Our Services

This is not a drop-in service patients are referred by their GP.  Patients are seen through New Patient Clinics, Follow-up Clinics and Telephone Follow-up Clinics.
Following the outbreak of Covid 19 all New and Follow up appointments will be conducted by phone, unless advised otherwise. If you are required to attend in person you will be required to wear a face mask.
Along with the use of interventions as a team we feel a key aspect of our care comes from good communication and compassion as their condition may be lifelong, with this prognosis the nursing team have put together a Pain Education Programme.  This supports our patient to live and manage their condition with a different approach.Treatments offered include:
  • Various types of pain relieving injection
  • Medications Management
  • Holistic Therapies, for certain conditions, including Acupuncture, TENS and external Neuromodulation

Our Clinics

Dr Roberts - New and Followup Clinics
Monday 08:30-17:30
Dr Poddar - New and Follow-up Clinics
Tuesday and Thursday 08:30-16:30
Nurse led Telephone Clinics are held by appointment on:
Monday pm
Tuesday am
Wednesday am
Pain Education Clinics are held by appointment on:
Wednesday am
Nurse led treatments are held by appointment on:
Intervention treatment lists are held by appointment on:
Monday am
Friday am and pm
Prior to attending for your injection you will be asked to attend the hospital for a Covid swab. You will be contacted by a member of the pain clinic with a date to attend for the swab.  It is important that you attend on the date given, to ensure the results are back in time for your appointment.  Failing to do this will result in your procedure being cancelled.  After the test if you hear nothing please attend on your planned date.  You will only be telephoned again if you test positive.
You will also be sent a Covid Consent Form in the post, please take the time to read this and bring it with you on the day of the appointment.
If you have any concerns relating to having your injection please telephone 01536 491588 and leave a message, one of the team will then contact you to discuss.  

Where do I have my swab test?

Please attend Kettering General Hospital, Rothwell Road site for the swab test at the drive through testing area. The drive through is delivered out of the social club which is beside the Rec hall on the Kettering Hospital site. 

Please enter the site at entrance 1, off the roundabout on Rothwell Road.  Follow the road around the site following the Covid testing signs, turning right at the junction,  At the roundabout take the third exit to Glebe House where you will be welcomed by one of the swab team, please do not exit your car as one of the team will approach you and advise you of the process.
Times to attend:
  • Monday – Friday 9.00 – 12.00
  • Saturday and Sunday 10.00 – 12.00

What to have to hand or bring with you

  • An up to date list of medications
  • A Completed Pain Questionnaire
  • Any letters relevant to your pain management from this or other hospitals
  • A copy of any previous scans from another hospital
  • Covid Consent Form, if required.

Our Team

The team consists of two Consultants, the lead being Dr Nicholas Roberts and Dr Rashmi Poddar. The Nursing team lead is Sister Lyn Johnson, with Deputy Sister Mary Coleman and Staff Nurse Tina Coleman.  Our department Secretary is Claire Ayre and our Receptionist is Anna Carter.


Useful Links

British pain society -
Arthritis research uk -
Away with pain -