Call for ConcernĀ©
A Safety Service for Patients on Adult Wards
Kettering General Hospital strives to provide a safe and high-quality care to all of our patients, particularly to those who are at a high risk of deterioration.
Call for Concern© is a safety service, pioneered by the Royal Berkshire Hospital, which enables patients, relatives and loved ones to call the Acute Illness Response (AIR) Team for urgent help and advice, when they are concerned a patient’s condition is deteriorating and is not being adequately recognised by the ward team.
Please do not feel worried that using the Call for Concern© service will negatively impact the patients care in anyway. We recognise that you and your family can see when something is wrong and know the needs of the patient better than anyone else.
Acute Illness Response Team
The Acute Illness Response Team (AIR) is made up of experienced specialist Critical Care Outreach Practitioners who support the ward teams with deteriorating patients. They do this by assessing and reviewing patients, they are then able to give further advise to nurses and doctors how to manage the patient’s condition.
The AIR Team are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support ward teams in the care of the acutely ill patients.
When not to call the AIR Team
- If you have not already raised your concerns with the ward team.
For concerns regarding a patient under the care of maternity and obstetric services, you can ask the allocated midwife to contact the ‘Listen to Me’ campaigner within the department. Call for Concern© is a patient safety service for deteriorating patients that are on adult wards.
To report any issues in relation to a patient's hospital stay; including food, parking or any other general concerns with the care provided, please speak with the ward nurse or ward sister. You can also request to have the contact details of the Divisional Matron to discuss further, if needed.